
We are submitting a proposal and need to include the CV of a highly qualified candidate who would be implementing the project once approved. Hence, we are searching for a trainer for women leadership training. The consultant should be familiar with UN-Women standards and be expert in curriculum development, training conduction and reporting.

If you are interested and meet below criteria, kindly make sure your profile is updated on and send a message from your profile to @admin.


  1. Conduct capacity and needs assessment of potential participants in the leadership and professional development trainings;
  2. Develop a tailored curriculum for SSIF selected female staff after reviewing their profile;
  3. Develop training plan entailed training approach with details of subject, activities plan, methodology to measure training results (for example pre‐posttests) as well as proposed training report format of trainings.
  4. Develop training materials (manual, handouts and PPTs, exercises, materials for activities in English, and upon approval of UN Women, have the materials translated to Arabic for all participants.
  5. Deliver (5) day trainings for selected SSIF female staff member in Amman – Jordan.
  6. Follow up with a mentoring plan that include matching plans between mentors and mentees;
  7. Prepare training report providing overall reflections on trainings; the content delivered results of the pre and post training assessment, challenges, lessons learnt, recommendations and follow up plans/activities to be undertaken.

Required Qualification

Education: Postgraduate degree (Masters/PhD) in the relevant field.

  • Must be a native Arabic speaker
  • At least 5 years of documented experience in developing, facilitating/delivering interactive/participatory training sessions in the above-mentioned areas;
  • Excellent skills in presenting complex technical information in an easily comprehensible way;
  • Adaptability and flexibility in working within complex and dynamic environment;
  • Ability to deliver high quality products in a timely manner;
  • Previous experience working with the government sector as well as UN agencies (preferably with exposure to the Arab/Gulf region) is a plus.
  • Should have previous experience in delivering or facilitating training

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Katrina

    I have been designing and delivering bespoke Soft Skills Training Programmes to the corporate market for over 15 years with clients including BA plc, BAA, British Airways – London Eye, Egypt Air, Emirates, Virgin Airways, Civil Service Learning, Commonwealth Secretariat, BT plc, NHS, DHL, IOD, Barclays Corporate, Lehman’s, HSBC, Citi Bank, BMW, IIR-Middle East, Hilton, Jumeirah, Four Seasons, United Technologies, ThyssenKrupp, Chevron, Nigerian National Petroleum Corp, EFL, Eni S.p.A, British Gas plc, Nike, Royal Mail, NHBC, Microsoft, Dubai Holdings, Pakistan Embassy – Abu Dhabi, British Embassy – DXB and a VP of an African Nation to name but a few.
    I have also been designing bespoke Leadership Development programmes, Change Management Programmes and am an accredited Leadership trainer with Dr John Maxwell (U.S.). I have also delivered ILM courses. The Leadership Programmes I have designed and delivered in the past – typically last over a 6-month period. They are designed off the back of extensive consultancy within organisations. I’m used to delivering to CEOs, Boards of Directors, Senior Management and Management – I possess clear, articulate communication skills and enjoy challenging groups!
    My expertise has been in the design and delivery of bespoke programmes together with the ongoing management of learning and development within organisations. I’ve had to deal with stakeholders at all levels from the Chairman down to the shop floor designing and delivering bespoke solutions to, often, very complex situations.
    Programmes include:
    Change Management, Leadership, Stakeholder Management, Business Etiquette and Cross-Cultural Communications, TV and Media Skills, Presentation Skills, Conference Speaking, Networking Skills, Apprenticeships – Customer Service, Sales/Marketing, Psycholinguistics, HR, Customer Service, Assertiveness, Stress Management, Handling Conflict, Communication Skills and Executive Coaching/Mentoring etc.

    I have trained Women in Leadership in DXB – I don’t speak Arabic. I have also set up Coaching/Mentoring Clinics for organisations to run after set up.

    1. Admin

      Thanks Katrina! You are welcome to keep an eye and apply for assignments that you meet all the requirement. This task requires training delivery in Arabic.

  2. halashaat

    I have been designing and delivering many Training Programmes to the UAE Government and non-government for over 13 years with clients including Dubai Airways, Bahrain, Sudan, Emirates, Beirut. I work for many projects for Police UAE, ministry of education, energy, Electricity company, Adonic, national Bank in Abu Dhabi. I worked for Oman as well. I have also been designing bespoke Leadership Development programmes, Change Management Programmes and am an accredited Leadership trainer with a lots of company in UAE. I have also delivered LLM and LPC courses business and Law degree in many university in UAE and France. The Leadership Programmes I have designed and delivered in the past – typically last over a one year period. They are designed off the back of extensive consultancy within organisations. I’m used to delivering to CEOs, Boards of Directors, Senior Management and Management – I possess clear, articulate communication skills and enjoy challenging groups! My expertise has been in the design and delivery of bespoke programmes together with the ongoing management of learning and development within organisations. I’ve had to deal with stakeholders at all levels from the Chairman down to the shop floor designing and delivering bespoke solutions to, often, very complex situations. Women and Power is a one-week executive program that focuses on teaching effective leadership strategies, with an emphasis on creating successful alliances and enduring partnerships. I am a trained lawyer and I worked in Alternative Dispute Resolution, with an emphasis on mediation, for the past four years. I am a senior member of the ASS Group professional faculty, delivering mediation training worldwide. I am not only practices and teaches traditional methods of mediation, I am also has extensive experience in Dispute Resolution, cross-cultural mediation, and Mediation Advocacy.

  3. Fadi received his master’s degree in International Cooperation and Development from University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy. He serves now as a free-lance development advisor and trainer in Project cycle management, international advocacy, creative writing, social and professional inclusion, volunteering, and human rights education. Fadi has wide experience working in local and international organizations in the field of youth development such as IREX, Erasmus+, GIZ, UNFPA, OXFAM, UNESCO, Palestinian Medical relief, Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network and Higher Council for Youth & Sport.

    Fadi is a freelance trainer and consultant. He started working as a trainer in 2010 running European based training activities, study sessions & seminars. he has worked with non-governmental organisations, the Council of Europe – Youth Department, and European Union – Youth in Action Programme. his main training subject areas have been on training trainers, Project cycle management, facilitation skills, communications, presentation skills, Advocacy, creativity, and personal development.

    In last 10 years of my consultancy experience, in more than 10 countries, I have been working with multinational companies, international organisations, governments, entrepreneurs, NGOs, trainers, teachers, coaches, youth workers, etc. I have learnt that there are no ‘one-size-fits-all’ and no ‘copy-paste’ solutions; each client’s reality is different and each transformation is a different story. It is all about finding the most suitable combination of interventions from my toolbox, including: executive coaching, strategic facilitation, training, systemic consulting, systemic constellations, developmental assessments, blended learning, etc

    Strong knowledge of the training cycle: from the Training Needs Analysis to the development of ad-hoc curricula, design of the related training packages, delivery of training (including Training of Trainers) on several topics including teaching techniques. Full Mastery of PCM (Project Cycle Management) and extensive capacity in transferring it through training and on-the-job training.
    Experienced in Management of Development cooperation projects (Education & training, SME development): Redaction of Terms of reference; Administrative and technical provisions for international contracts and financing agreements; Analysis and approval of global and annual work programs; approval of financial reports and audits.








    Specialties: Youth Development, Advocacy, peace-building, employability, training program development Project Management, Projects Evaluation

    Thank you for your kind consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Fadi Eshtayeh

    1. Admin

      Thanks for your interest. The best way to contact us is to log in and send a message to @admin. In most cases, project and program in charge do not read comments.

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